MINISTRIES WE OFFER: Nursery for up to 3yrs old, Sunday School for all ages, AWANA for Pre-K through 6th grade, WMU, and Men's Fellowship.
There's a place for everyone at Antioch.

Sunday School and AWANA 10:00am
Morning Worship 11:00am
Evening Bible Study 6:00pm

Worship Services
We know you may be looking for a church near you. So, thank you for visiting our page! Our hope is that you will visit us soon. If you do, here is some first time visitor information about our services:
~Our worship services are held in our main sanctuary.
~Ushers can help you find a seat.
~We have a wheelchair ramp to the right side of the sanctuary in the courtyard.
~If it's raining, you can enter through the arbor located on the right of the old sanctuary.
~Our music is traditional with congregational singing from a hymnbook.
~We have restrooms located in the front lobby and downstairs.
~We have a nursery located through the double doors at the front right side of the sanctuary.
~If you're late; don't worry our usher will be waiting on you and will help you get seated.

Southern Gospel
~Our church hosts several Southern Gospel singings each year.
~It features some of the best national artists, and our Southern Gospel duet, “The Bridgemans.”
~We offer this as a gift to the community.
~All of our events are free to the public, and we welcome you to attend.
~If you would like more information, please look at our events page
We serve as church home to The Bridgemans:
~The Bridgemans are Pastor Travis and his wife, Alecia.
~They have been singing together for over thirty years and have four recorded projects.
~The Lord has opened many doors for them since recording their first project in 2002.
~They can be heard regularly on several North Georgia radio stations, cable television, and internet radio.
~They were voted in the top five for “Favorite Southern Gospel Group” in the Atlanta area for 2008, 2009, 2010, and again in 2011. In 2012, they won the "Duet of the Year" award presented by the "Southeastern Southern Gospel Music Conference" in Valdosta, Georgia, and were named "Top Duet" for 2013 and 2014 by "Country Atlanta/The Light". Pastor Travis serves on the Executive Board of the Southern Gospel Music Association.

Sunday School
~We offer Sunday School classes for ages Pre-K to 100+
~If you are a first time visitor, we meet in the sanctuary for a quick song and devotion then dismiss to our classes.
~Someone will be glad to show you to your classroom.
~We hope to see you there!
~We use a Sunday School curriculum for all ages except the senior class and they use systematic theology (teach verse by vers throught the Bible).

AWANA meets at 10:00 am Sunday mornings
~We offer AWANA for Pre-K through 6th grade.
~If you are a first time visitor, just drive around to the back and enter the first single door on the back side of the church. You will need to fill out some enrollment forms for the safety of your child.
~AWANA starts with the pledges, prayer, then has devotion, games, dismisses for class, and finally gathers back for large group.
~To get the enrollment forms (click here) for the PDF downloads.
Here is a short description about AWANA:
~AWANA helps churches and parents work together to develop spiritually strong children and youth who faithfully follow Jesus Christ. Our programs offer a proven approach for evangelizing and discipling kids in the church and community.
~As a ministry leader for 60 years, AWANA is making an impact.
~A recent national survey found AWANA to be as important to our alumni's spiritual foundation as all other church activities combined.
~Among alumni who participated in our programs for at least six years, 92.7 percent still attend church at least weekly as adults!
~Each week, more than 1.5 million kids ages 2 to 18 participate in AWANA. Over 12,000 churches in the U.S. and more than 10,000 internationally run AWANA programs that change young lives through biblical truth.
“92.7 percent still attend church at least weekly as adults!”
We hope to see you there!

Our nursery times are the same as the worship time 11:00 am
~If this is your first time visiting our nursery is located through the doors on the right front side of the main sanctuary. You can drop you off and pick up your children there.
~Our nursery director is a licensed teacher and is well trained (not to mention she has three of her own children).
~Our nursery has lots of toys and activities to keep your children busy and happy.
~We do ask if your child is sick or running a fever please do not endanger the other children.

Music Ministries
~Antioch Baptist has a rich culture of music and praise for our Lord Jesus Christ.
~Our worship services are traditional with congregational singing from the hymnbook, choir and special music.

Southern Gospel Singings
The Southern Gospel Destination
~Our church also hosts several Southern Gospel singings each year that feature some of the best national artists, and our Southern Gospel duet, “The Bridgemans.”
~We offer this as a gift to the community.
~All of our events are free to the public, and we welcome you to attend.
~If you would like more information, please look at our Events Page
If it is your first time attending one of our singings, we suggest getting here 20-30min. early because seats fill quickly.
~The singings are at 6:00pm in the main sanctuary.
~We have ushers to help you find a seat, and we have a wheelchair access ramp located to the right of the main sanctuary.
~After the singings have ended, there will be a time to meet with the artists in the church lobby.
We serve as church home to The Bridgemans:
The Bridgemans are Pastor Travis and his wife, Alecia. They have been singing together for over thirty years and have four recorded projects. The Lord has opened many doors for them since recording their first project in 2002. They can be heard regularly on several North Georgia radio stations, cable television, and internet radio. They were voted in the top five for “Favorite Southern Gospel Group” in the Atlanta area for 2008, 2009, 2010, and again in 2011. In 2012, they won the "Duet of the Year" award presented by the "Southeastern Southern Gospel Music Conference" in Valdosta, Georgia, and were named "Top Duet" for 2013 and 2014 by "Country Atlanta/The Light".

We know you may be looking for a church near you. So, thank you for visiting our page! Our hope is that you will visit us soon. If you do, here is some information about the Missions we support:
Antioch’s mission statement is to EXALT the Lord Jesus Christ, EVANGELIZE the lost, and EDIFY the saints and part of that involves supporting missionaries and local missions.
~We believe Mt 28:18-20, “ And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”
~In addition to supporting our missionaries through the Southern Baptist Convention we also support over 10 missionaries independently.
~We also support local missions.
~Our church is involved in several outreach programs, charities, soul-winning events, youth activities, online ministries, tape ministries, and we host Southern Gospel Singings as a community outreach.
Women’s Missionary Union (WMU)
The women of Antioch actively serve in the Women’s Missionary Union (WMU). They meet in the old sanctuary on the 1st Sunday of the month from 5:00pm-6:00pm. They plan mission-minded activities, attend to local needs, plan activities for the church, and have devotion. They also seek to help local individuals with tragedies, sickness, bereavement, and other needful situations.
Here is a little more about the WMU:
WMU offers organizations and approaches, that enable every member of the church to learn about missions, become involved in missions, and live a missional lifestyle. WMU offers many opportunities to fulfill the six objectives of WMU that are at the heart of missions education.
Through the organizations and approaches, adults, students, children, and preschoolers learn about the work and needs of missionaries. There are opportunities to participate personally in mission projects, as well as, develop a missions lifestyle---there is something for everyone.

Men's Fellowship
The Men’s Fellowship meets the 1st Sunday of the month from 5:00pm-6:00pm, in the main sanctuary. They plan mission-minded activities, attend to local needs, plan activities for the church, and have devotion. They also take care of church business and discuss the ground up-keep projects.